Have pain with your current janitorial?

Request a quote here for commercial cleaning!


Tenga en cuenta que este formulario es para solicitar información sobre los servicios de limpieza. No está destinado a presentar solicitudes de trabajos de limpieza. Si está interesado en trabajar con City Wide, envíe un correo electrónico a msoto@gocitywide.com.

Advantages of the Right Janitorial Services

The cleanliness of your facility has a huge impact on your customers’ first impression of your business and can affect employee morale. Poorly executed commercial janitorial services can also be a safety hazard and put your business at risk. Prioritize cleanliness and safety to protect your business and keep your customers and employees happy!

Good janitorial services will produce:

  • Great first impressions for your customers
  • A safer work environment 
  • Lower levels of allergens
  • Reduced risk of liability
  • Employee morale boost

Why City Wide Facility Solutions of Indianapolis?

We understand that you have a lot on your plate, and that’s why we take care of everything for you. Our team communicates regularly with you to make sure we’re meeting your needs. If you have any special requests or concerns, we’re always here to help.

Our goal is to make your life easier by providing exceptional janitorial services at an affordable price. With City Wide, you can trust that your building is in good hands, allowing you to focus on what matters most to your business.

So why wait? Contact us today and let City Wide take care of all your janitorial needs. You won’t regret it!


Want to take your facility cleaning to the next level? Schedule a detail cleaning. To learn more, visit our page here.