Is the Sun Harming Your Parking Lot? Discover How City Wide Can Help

City Wide Facility Solutions
Published on January 5, 2020

When the weather gets warmer, we all enjoy it, but there’s a downside for your parking lot. The sun, especially its UV rays, does more than just make things hot. It actually affects your parking lot’s asphalt, fading its color and making it age faster.

You might be surprised to learn how hot your parking lot can get. On a really sunny day, the pavement can heat up to 150 degrees. This isn’t just uncomfortable; it’s actually causing a chemical reaction. This reaction between the sun’s rays and the oxygen starts breaking down what keeps the pavement together. Before you know it, you might see signs of wear like cracks, general deterioration, and even potholes.

READ: Why Are Parking Lots Different in Size and Design?

Tell-Tale Signs of Sun Damage on Your Parking Lot

Sun damage is a reality for any outdoor space, and parking lots are no exception. Here’s what to look out for:

  • The asphalt might look like it’s breaking apart or getting loose in some places.
  • Cracks can appear because the asphalt swells up in the heat or shifts around.
  • In really hot spots, the asphalt gets thinner as the tar in it melts over a long period.
  • You might even see the shape of your parking lot change due to the melting tar.

How to Shield Your Parking Lot from the Sun

Stopping sun damage entirely is a tough task, but there are ways to reduce its effects. One of the best methods is sealcoating. Think of it as applying a protective layer, like sunscreen, on your parking lot. This coating helps in two big ways: it keeps water out of cracks and also cuts down on damage from the sun. Plus, it’s a good defense against oil spills and other chemicals from cars.

WATCH: This Car Dealership Transforms Its Parking Lot with LEDs

We’ve got a video that shows what sealcoating looks like. It’s a good watch to get an idea, but keep in mind, each project can vary.

*Please note: City Wide doesn’t endorse the content creator of the video. It’s shared for educational purposes only.

Finding the right care for your parking lot can be tough without the right knowledge. That’s where City Wide steps in.

City Wide’s Comprehensive Parking Lot Services

Want to know more about what we can do for your parking lot? Head over to Indianapolis City Wide.  To learn more about our parking lot services we can provide, give us a call at (317) 356-6606.

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